Trending at Toccare: Facial Rollers

Facial rolling has been all the rage lately, and for good reason! This technique has been known to help with lymphatic drainage, a more toned and firm appearance, better absorption of products, and even a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles! Facial rollers can be found in various different forms, the most popular being Jade, Rose Quartz, and Green Aventurine, with each stone providing a different purpose. 

Try our Green Aventurine Facial Roller from Slow North to activate your heart chakra and bring a sense of calmness to your body, or the Clear Quartz Roller to cleanse, open, and activate all of the chakras. 

Have a facial roller but aren’t quite sure how to reap the benefits? Scroll down for an easy how-to!

The Technique:

  1. Begin with either a freshly cleansed face, or immediately after applying a serum or oil to your skin.

  2. Forehead: Start by using light to medium pressure at the middle of your forehead, moving outwards towards your hairline. Continue to move down your forehead until you have rolled on each side. Repeat 2-3x. 

  3. Cheeks: Focusing on one side at first, place the roller near the bridge of your nose, and gently roll towards your ear. Repeat this on both sides 2-3x.

  4. Eye area: Using the smaller end of the facial roller, begin at the bridge of your nose and lightly roll towards your ear in a slight upwards motion. This will help to give you a “lifted” effect and can help smooth out any fine lines. Repeat this on both sides 2-3x. 

  5. Jaw: Starting at the chin area, begin by rolling along your jawline until you reach your ear. Repeat this on both sides, and proceed to the underside of your jaw, and down to your neck. This can help lift the area and boost elasticity. 

Tip: Prone to puffy eyes first thing in the morning? Pop your facial roller in the fridge for 30 minutes and use the small end to de-puff and wake up your eye area!

While a facial roller isn’t exactly necessary, it can be a great way to remind yourself to slow down and be mindful with your skincare routine. It is so easy to slap a few products onto your skin and move on with your day, but taking the time to add this step to your routine with the intention of focusing just on yourself and the present moment can be so rewarding in the long run! 

You are worth the extra effort and time.


Team Toccare

Skincare, WellnessBrittany